Europe’s forests are being hit hard by climate change. At the same time we expect forests to fulfil their carbon sink function and maintain and provide many other functions. This is not only vital for the big forest countries, but also for the wood importing countries in Europe. Europe needs coordinated actions in this field. Climate-Smart Forestry (CSF) is a prominent way to deal with this and is urgently needed to connect mitigation with adaption measures, enhancing the resilience of forest resources and ecosystem services, and meet the needs of a growing population. The Netherlands has been the first country in Europe to establish CSF pilots to connect science to action and to demonstrate its potential. Several other countries have also started actions in recent years.

We believe that it is time to upscale the actions based on the experiences from CSF projects. In 2020, a European Network on Climate-Smart Forestry has started, with representatives from more than ten European countries (listed below). The network gathers information on CSF projects. The gathered information is presented on the interactive map on this webpage. In 2021, more information on projects will be added.

Overview of climate-smart forestry projects in Europe:



Aleksi Lehtonen1 Ander Arias-González2 Andrew Weatherall3 Anna-Maria Farsakoglou4 Arthur Gessler5
Bas Lerink6 Christian Temperli5 Emil Cienciala7 Gary Kerr8 Gert-Jan Nabuurs6
Giorgio Vacchiano9 Hans Verkerk10 Ioan Dutca11 Koen Kramer12 Marc Hanewinkel13
Miroslav Svoboda14 Per Kristian Rørstad15 Erik Trømborg15 Pietro Panzacchi16 Roberto Tognetti17
Tomas Lundmark18 Vladan Ivetic19 Aris Jansons20 Daiga Zute20 Andreas Rigling21
Frank Sterck6 Dimitris Zianis22 Daniel McInerney23 Núria Aquilué24

Matevž Triplat25


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